
Circular Fashion Design Strategies with Redress Design Award 2022 Winner & Industry Expert

Join a LIVE Zoom session with Redress’s Sustainable Fashion Education Director, Marianne Mclean-Atkins, digging into circular design strategies and why they are important for designers.

Then hear from Redress Design Award 2022 First Prize winner, Federico Badini Confalonieri, about his competition experience, including the inspiration behind his collection and his prize collaboration with VF’s Timberland.

Don’t miss this chance to hear personal and expert insights on the challenges and opportunities of circular fashion design and the Redress Design Award competition, and ask your own questions live during the Q&A segments.

Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023

Time: 20:00–21:00 Hong Kong time (UTC +8)

Location: Zoom (webinar)

Registration is required at the link below.

The webinar is open to all and will be held in English.

For emerging designers, this valuable sharing will give you an edge in your application for the Redress Design Award and deepen your knowledge for creating circular fashion. We hope to see you there!

Hannah Lane