
Meet Lucia Alcaina, Redress Design Award 2018 finalist

For her Redress Design Award submission, Lucia Alcaina was inspired by the internet: by the parallel realities it creates, both in digital art and in how we relate to each other through avatars. Their potential for deception is captured in sculptural, armour-like silhouettes created from industry waste including silicone, PU and rubber which are up-cycled and hand embellished using a rich variety of techniques including painting, embroidery, felting, needle-punching and beautiful folded shapes reminiscent of origami. The work of Yohji Yamamoto is a strong conceptual presence.

“I love creating fashion,” says the LCI Barcelona graduate. “I remember drawing dresses when I was young so I guess it’s vocational. And it’s much nicer knowing that what I produce leaves positive footprints [on the earth], instead of contributing to the mountain of waste and the exploitation of natural resources and humans that the current industry supports. I am determined to create positive change through my work.”

Waste and exploitation aside, if there is one thing that she could change about the industry, it would be its speed. “I believe in the importance of the creative process while designing, like a starting point to experiment with inspirations before turning these concepts into projects,” says Lucia.

“This process is so necessary for designers. Today, fashion is so fast that designers do not have time to properly develop the creative process for every collection. There is only enough time to produce… without any concern for social, environmental or economic responsibilities.”

One of her most significant successes - so far - is turning down job offers that would have placed her deep within the heart of fast fashion. “I decided to look for my own way, to find out first what I really wanted to do instead,” she says.

Her parents remain a key influence. “They prepared amazing trips around the world, allowing me to encounter many different cultural and fashion references. It means that I have now found a path for myself that allows me to express my feelings and my experiences - and that makes me very happy!”

This article originally appeared in the Redress Design Award 2018 Magazine.